John Day Fossil Beds
John Day Fossil Beds National Monument is located in three different units within the John Day Basin. The Monument protects one of the longest and most continuous records of evolutionary change and biotic relationships in North America.
Here, scientists have unearthed countless fossils of land plants and animals dating back 6 to 54 million years as well as evidence of the dramatic climatic changes that have occurred.
The monument includes over 14,000 acres found in 3 widely separated units, the Sheep Rock Unit, (Near Dayville, featuring the Blue Basin and Foree areas, with rocks 15-30 million years in age; the Painted Hills Unit, ten miles from Mitchell, that displays the colorful Big Basin member, John Day Group, and Clarno Unit, 15 miles south of Fossil, where fossil can be seen in 45 million year-old volcanic mudflows. All 3 units are in the John Day River Basin, a major tributary of the Columbia River and the longest undammed river that flows into the Columbia today.

Description and map courtesy, John Day Fossil Beds National Monument, NPS.

Oregon Paleo Lands
Institute Center
We are currently closed for the season.
We look forward to seeing you in Spring 2025!
Want to Volunteer?
The Paleo Lands Center invites you, to meet the public and school groups at our educational hub of the John Day Basin. Volunteers can serve as Board Members, Advisors, Center helpers and docents and help share exciting natural history exhibits, brochures, and books with visitors and schools.
Please Contact the Center at
541-763-4480 or paleolands@gmail.com for details
*Please call or email if you would like to schedule your school group for a visit during the week. Thank you!
Contact Information
333 West Fourth Street
Post Office Box 104
Fossil, OR 97830
Phone: (541) 763-4480
Email: paleolands@gmail.com