Annual Sponsor (Individual or Business)
$300/year or Recurring Donation $25 /mo. 12 months (PayPal)
• Recognition on Center Sponsor webpage, listing, logo description of services and webpage link.
• Recognition in one hard copy newsletter and one e-mail newsletter and in the annual report.
• One display slot at Center’s brochure rack for business brochure.
Sustaining Sponsor (Individual or Business)
$600/Year or Recurring Donation $50 a mo. for 12 months (PayPal) $1200/Year or Recurring Donation $100 a mo. for 12 months (PayPal) $2400 /Year or Recurring Donation $200 a mo. for 12 months (PayPal).
• Listing on Center’s Sponsor webpage and Facebook page for one year: Sponsor may provide one paragraph describing operation, logo, up to 3 photos and a link to their webpage.
• Listing on Sponsor Board at the Paleo Center in Fossil. • One slot in the Center’s brochure rack to supply brochures to Center visitors.
• Recognition as a Sponsor for a year in newsletters ( print and electronic) • Recognition as a Sponsor at any OPLI outreach event for one year, recognition in Annual Report.
Metasequoia Sponsor (Individual or Business)
Named for the official Oregon State Fossil. aka Dawn Redwood, found at Wheeler High School, Fossil
$4800 or Recurring Donation $400/mo. (PayPal)
• All of the above Sustaining Sponsor benefits, loan of up to six poster display boards for one out-of-Center event annually, 1-week duration.
• Speaker from Center for one-hour talk on a John Day Basin natural/cultural history topic.
• Framed Fossils of Oregon poster by celebrated Paleo artist Ray Troll

MONTHLY DONATIONS Click the donate button on our webpage (paleolands.org) to set up a reoccuring payment through PayPal. You can change or cancel a recurring donation anytime in your PayPal account settings.
ANNUAL DONATION Return a check noting your Sponsor Level (Annual, Sustaining, Metasequoia) or Use the online PayPal DONATE Button to make a onetime donation on the Center’s homepage (www.paleolands.org)
ALL DONATIONS to the Center are tax deductible, and matching gifts, up to $1000, to the Oregon Cultural Trust qualify donors for an Oregon tax credit.
Thank you to our Sponsors, Supporters and Grantors!
See your name, company logo, brief description, and webpage link listed here for supporting the Oregon Paleo Lands Institute!

Oregon Paleo Lands
Institute Center
We are currently closed for the season.
We look forward to seeing you in Spring 2025!
Want to Volunteer?
The Paleo Lands Center invites you, to meet the public and school groups at our educational hub of the John Day Basin. Volunteers can serve as Board Members, Advisors, Center helpers and docents and help share exciting natural history exhibits, brochures, and books with visitors and schools.
Please Contact the Center at
541-763-4480 or paleolands@gmail.com for details
*Please call or email if you would like to schedule your school group for a visit during the week. Thank you!
Contact Information
333 West Fourth Street
Post Office Box 104
Fossil, OR 97830
Phone: (541) 763-4480
Email: paleolands@gmail.com